I am happy to report that I did not win Woman of the Year; yes, happy. The winner was Elizabeth Singleton, who is the president of Build Us H.O.P.E. The nonprofit offers housing programs primarily targeted to veterans and the seriously mentally ill, disabled or chronically homeless. Pretty amazing, right? It's pretty hard to be disappointed losing to such an amazing woman. And as cliche as it is, I felt like a winner just being a nominee. I had a really great time celebrating with my hubby and friends (and strangers, some which became friends). It's an evening I'll never forget.
2017 KEZ Beth McDonald Woman of the Year Nominees and Winner
(Elizabeth, the winner, is in the middle/in the red sweater)
(Elizabeth, the winner, is in the middle/in the red sweater)
Part of the reason I was nominated is for my volunteer work with the nonprofit Society of Women Engineers, or SWE. I'm currently the Vice President of the local Phoenix section and have done various K-12 STEM outreach with SWE. SWE really means a lot to me; it's for sure a favorite nonprofit of mine. SWE's mission is to stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.
The regional SWE conference just also happened to be taking place the day after the Woman of the Year Award. So I got to continue my E-Week celebration with one of my favorites nonprofits. I participated in the conference's SWENext Design Lab-- Design Lab is an experience designed to encourage girls to choose a career in engineering (more K-12 STEM outreach, yay!). I mentored a team of six female middle school students through two engineering design and build experiments/projects. The girls didn't really need my help, they were all well versed in STEM, but we all had a fun time.
I love being able to mentor the next generation of engineers, and I especially love being able to volunteer and pay it forward to SWE. SWE has done so much for me personally. When I first joined in college (2001!), I was just looking for a resume filler. However, I soon made many friends, finding support and help with classes, internships and jobs, and really all things an engineering undergrad needs. I don't think I would have stuck with engineering if I wasn't in SWE (and okay, also encouragement from my parents; got to give them a little bit of credit 😉).
Mentoring the Next Gen
I know for sure I wouldn't have gotten my first (and only) internship without SWE. The collegiate section sent out an email saying that Medtronic was looking for interns, so I sent an email to Medtronic with my resume attached, referencing that I heard about the job through SWE. I also know for sure that I wouldn't have gotten a job with my current company without SWE. I had applied to a SWE Phoenix scholarship for local collegiate SWE students, and I was one of the winners! I accepted my scholarship at the 2004 regional SWE conference, and a recruiter from my current company approached me. She said she'd like me to apply to work for the company. And well, here it is 13 years later.
But more than that, it's given me the network and support that I've needed over the years to actually stay in this industry. My mentors that attended the Woman of the Year Award with me have both been part of my SWE network (although we did first meet through work); one of my mentors is the current SWE Phoenix President (hi Syronna! you rock!). I also meet my current Working Engineer Moms Facebook Group and its admins through SWE; this Facebook group has been a lifeline as a working mom (and engineer). I'm pretty sure without this wonderful network of engineers, without SWE, I would have left engineering 13 years ago. A sincere thank you to all my SWE'esters. Thank you for being there for me.
If you want to learn more about SWE and their mission to support women in engineering in all phases of their careers (and men can be members too! remember He for She), here's a link to their website: http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.org/
If you live in Phoenix metro area and want to nominate an amazing woman for the KEZ Beth McDonald WoY Award, here's more info: https://kez999.iheart.com/contests/999-kez-and-shea-homes-40626/ Thank you to Beth McDonald and KEZ and their sponsors of this award for acknowledging the very cool and amazing women in our city! Thank you Bobby, my family and my friends for all of your support. And also thank you to the other 11 nominees for being such an inspiration for our local community!
So proud of you SWEster, you're an amazing person.